Jenn Pearson's list of Cool Sites
Cool Sites
Christian Resources
Items of Female Interest
Home Arts publications - The place to find
Redbook, Good Housekeeping, Country Living,
Popular Mechanics and other information of interest to women online.
Lifetime TV Online - Television information, online
Dramas, recipes, and other resources for women.
Time Warner's
Pathfinder - A variety of periodicals and resources of interest to
- TravelWeb - The place to make online reservations
for hotel and airline travel.
Finding People and Resources
CBInternational Home Page - Conservative Baptist missions agency.
DELTA Ministries Home Page - A Conservative Baptist short-term
sending agency.
Elim Report - The home page of the Elim Full
Gospel Church in Hong Kong.
Frontiers - An evangelical mission which plants reproducing churches
among unreached Muslim peoples.
MK Connections - A wealth of information of interest
to Missionary Kids.
Pioneers - An evangelical mission which mobilizes teams to glorify God among unreached
peoples by initiating church planting movements in partnership with local churches.
The Thai Harvest - A Christian mission which focuses
on reaching the Thai people.
Christian Music
My Fiance
People on the Web
Relationships for Couples
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