Conceived Dec 3, 1997
Due August 27, 1998
Labor August 29-31
Born August 31, 1998
- BabyCenter - this site has a ready-reference of pregnancy and baby-related topics. Many are cross-referenced to related topics. Also boasts baby namer (including historical & current popular names), chat areas, bulletin boards, and area for personal info.
- Childbirth.org - A directory of web sites relating to the events surrounding pregnancy and birth.
- Stork Site - a small community of parents and expecting parents. Features include a reference library, name nest, and picket fence (where you can swap stories with other "Storkies").
- Pregnancy Calendar - A customizable calendar which gives you information and links for every day of your pregnancy. Print it out for handy reference.
- Fit Pregnancy - A magazine with all kinds of exercise and fitness info for expecting moms and their families.
- HomeArts - The Whole 9 Months - An informative site which gives information on some tests and complications of pregnancy, info on calculating your due date, and how much your "little tax deduction" really costs. Also check out the "Diary of a Pregnancy" and information on preparing for pregnancy.
- ParenthoodWeb - Features discussion area for expecting parents, pregnancy journal, due date registry, ovulation and due date calculators, an ultrasound section, and detailed information on how your baby grows during pregnancy.
- Life with Baby - Pregnancy and Beyond - Offers over 100 informative topics to guide expectant parents from the first trimester through the first birthday.
- Mayo Clinic - Pregnancy and Baby's First Year - a wealth of information adapted from Mayo Clinic Complete Book of Pregnancy & Baby's First Year. Information is indexed by trimester as well as by subject, including - common concerns, office visits, complications, and decisions to make.
- The Mining Company - Pregnancy week by week - This is my favorite place to go because it provides information about what's happening with the baby and me this week of pregnancy.
- ParentTime Pregnancy Primer - A site full of useful information about pregnancy, labor & delivery, and the first days after birth.
- Stages of Your Baby's Development - pictures of baby's development at various stages of pregancy, excerpted from the book A Child is Born.
- Women's Link Momness Center - a variety of information useful to new and exepecting Moms. Has section on physiological changes in "Mom", stages of your baby's growth, caring for your new baby, and the story of one woman's experience.
- Red Hot Jelly Bellies - The August 98 Expecting Club Who's Who list
- FamilyWeb's Prenatal and Postnatal Care - An extensive amount of information on all sorts of topics surounding pregnancy, labor & delivery, and the newborn.
- ParentPartners this site focuses on the development of your child from conception through preschool.