How this site came to be
In Fall of 1995 I took a course called The Making of a Missionary, taught by Dr. Everett Hunt, Jr. at Asbury Theological Seminary. One of the course requirements was to write a research paper on a topic of interest in the field of missions. I came up with several ideas (none of which I can now remember) and then went to talk to Dr. Hunt. He immediately suggested that I explore the possibilities of missions in Cyberspace, as it was a topic of interest to him as well as to myself. I readily agreed to learn all I could in order to write about the role that the Internet could have in missions if missions organizations would simply embrace the available technology.
That evening I sat down with Joe Pearson (whom I later married), and we brainstormed the various possibilities. Being a missionary kid from Taiwan who is active on the Internet and anxious to have a part in impacting society, Joe was probably the best person with whom to talk (though I admit he's my husband and I'm probably biased). From our brainstorming time, information retrieved by Dr. Hunt at a conference on the topic, and my own Internet wanderings, I composed the paper that follows.
Given the content of the paper, I was convinced that it should be available online. Joe helped me put it online so that anyone could access this paper.
Again, I would like to thank Dr. Everett Hunt, Jr., Joe Pearson, and the many who have gone before me to provide the resources from which I drew in writing this paper. I have done my best to give credit where credit is due, and I have provided links to all the Web Sites I used in writing this paper, and then some.
I welcome anyone's feedback. Let me know if this is a useful resource, and feel free to share other ideas of how the use of the Internet could impact the world of missions.