
Becoming a part of and having an impact on the online culture is not impossible. Many have done it already, and it may prove to be essential to the church's survival in the 21st century. Churches and para-church organizations should examine the possibilities the Internet affords in reaching out to secular people, not just in their neighborhood, but worldwide. Modern technology, such as the Internet is useful in making the Gospel relevant to a world which thinks the church never left the first century, or at least has not yet entered the 20th.

As the online community grows, churches must face the challenge of creating web sites which cater to non-Christians, while still recognizing a web site's usefulness as a means of communication among a church's members and other Christians. As your church reaches out to the online community, don't be afraid to try these ideas and strategies. I trust that this paper helps your church understand how to use church growth strategies to improve its web site and attract more non-Christians.

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