Have any of you found a good analogy to use when explaining Social Bookmarking to a newbie? Can you tell me some neat uses for the Social Bookmarking sites?
This year, we took a quick Friday trip to Chattanooga, TN to visit Thomas the Tank Engine (for a second time). Rachel has loved having books about Thomas read to her every night, so we figured that she would really enjoy this.
We left after lunchtime, which was perfect, since the little ones slept the whole way up. We arrived with about 90 minutes before our boarding time, which left us time to visit the petting zoo and walk around seeing the sites. Unfortunately, we forgot to bring cash, and the single ATM there was out of order. Fortunately, Jenn prepared and brought a few water bottles, juice pouches, and snacks to keep us hydrated and to take the edge off.
Soon, Thomas arrived and we boarded car four. It was crowded, and we could not find enough seats adjacent to each other. Jenn and I managed to get two seats for us, the twins and Rachel. Jacob and Rebekah shared a single seat across the aisle. Fortunately, the father of the family in those seats switched to an aisle seat so that Jacob and Rebekah could look out the window during the ride (or we would never have heard the end of it).
We got back to the station, and made the obligatory visit to the gift shop. We purchased an excellent quality (glow-in-the-dark) puzzle for Rachel. Rebekah chose a flashlight and Jacob chose a shirt. The twins got stuffed trains.
We were able to hit the road and get to exit 1 in time for dinner before anyone got too cranky. We had wanted to eat at Uncle Bud's Catfish, but they were apparently out of business. We ended up eating at Burger King.
On the way home, we watched Popular Mechanics for Kid's Slimy Things video, since the kids are learning about worms and ladybugs. They really enjoyed it, especially the episode about things that are underground, which shows what happens when you flush a ping-pong ball down the toilet.
What better way to build up the kiddo's keyboarding skills than to integrate the keyboard with their breakfast? Better yet, the key names aren't imprinted on the keyboard, forcing them to touch-type. Just make sure that they use it before applying butter and syrup!
I love the added bonus of having a syrup warmer in the back.
I don't know why I've never heard of this site before, but I just ran across it and had to share it with you! Enjoy. :)