I love to read Isaiah 40:11. I've read it many times and heard it set to music on one of my children's lullaby CDs. In fact as I read it this morning the tune went through my head and has stuck. In my Bible, I wrote the name of my 3rd child by that verse - I probably wrote it there as a verse of reassurance when she was just a tiny baby. Now she is older and has asked Jesus into her heart. While she is a young Christian, she is not quite as vulnerable a little lamb as my twin babies, whom Jesus is carrying in His arms as He leads our family. My husband and I certainly have our hands full and appreciate any time anyone is able to lend us a hand holding or caring for or carrying any of our children. What a comfort to know that Jesus is carrying them, protecting them, and keeping them close to His heart. And in these challenging years with young children, I certainly need His gentle leading.
The Bible calls Jesus the Chief Shepherd (1 Peter), the Good Shepherd (John), and the Chief Shepherd (Hebrews). He knows me, and I know Him. He lays down His life for me, so that I can live a life full of His joy. He equips me for the good work He calls me to do, and He works in me to make me more like Him each day. I know some day He will appear so that I can see Him, and He will crown me and lead me to a spring of living water, where I will always be refreshed and full of joy, never sighing or sorrowing or crying ever again. As I ride this world's emotional roller coaster, knowing my heavenly future is truly a comfort.
When we go for a hike as a family, one adult tries to stay near the front so no one gets too far ahead and loses their way, and the other brings up the rear, so no stragglers wander off or are left behind. It's the same with God - He both leads us and comes behind us, helping us to know the right way to go.
I must choose whether to listen to His voice and walk in His way. Am I listening to Him as He reveals to me which is His Way of Holiness? Or am I listening to the voices from off the path, calling out for me to come another way?
Lord, thank you that You for leading me and my family so carefully, so tenderly. Thank you for making sure I know Your path, and help me not to be confused or mixed up emotionally by other choices that are not of You. Amen.
Posted by jennbeck at June 15, 2007 06:57 AM